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Introduction of City IQ and the Application

1. iCity's vision and an overall glimpse

Course introduction

Further readings: please check our published paper to get further understanding of this research.

(in Chinese) 吴志强,李翔,周新刚,等. 基于智能城市评价指标体系的城市诊断[J]. 城市规划学刊,2020(2): 12-18. ( WU Zhiqiang, LI Xiang, ZHOU Xingang, et al. City diagnosis with the city intelligence quotient (City IQ) evaluation system[J]. Urban Planning Forum, 2020(2): 12-18. )

About instructor

Zhou Xingang

Dr. Zhou is currently working as an Assistant Professor in Department of Urban Planning of Tongji University. He earned his PhD in the University of Hong Kong, and worked as a Postdoc Fellow for years before he joined Tongji University. He has published more than 10 papers in top journals. His research interest is mainly on transport planning, intelligent cities, etc.

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