Crosswinds Marsh Wetland Interpretive Preserve
Zhao Zichen   May 10.2020


“Born of necessity 20 years ago to meet regulatory mandates caused by the expansion of the Detroit Metropolitan Wayne County Airport, Crosswinds Marsh is a thousand-acre wetland that has become a national benchmark for ecological restoration and environmental design. Ambitious and daring from the beginning, it is one of the largest self-sustaining wetland mitigation projects in the country. It is treasured by the community as a site for nature education, bird watching, fishing, hiking, and quiet contemplation, and is populated by hundreds of wildlife species that have made their home in this tranquil, life-affirming miracle of sustainability and restoration.”

– 2019 Awards Jury

Reason to Be Selected

The Crosswinds Marsh project received national recognition and won the ASLA Centennial Honor Award in 2000. Case studies on the site have also been published by the American Landscape Architecture Foundation as part of the Landscape Performance Series (LPS). In 2015, the design also won the Honorary Award of Heritage Inheritance from the ASLA Michigan Chapter.The project won 2019 ASLA the Landmark Award Awards of Honor.


Habitat restoration

Community assets                  

Careful monitoring and effective management


The Crosswinds Marsh Conservation Area was initially on a large-scale urban improvement program at Detroit Metropolitan Wayne County Airport. The site where Crosswinds Marsh is located has covered a large area of wetlands since ancient times. The project invites interdisciplinary professional teams to cooperate: in addition to landscape architects, members include civil engineers, wetland scientists, aquatic and fishery biologists, botanists, and leisure space planners.
The design team built a variety of wetland and highland ecosystems, and effectively improved the original upstream and downstream flooding problems. The team used computer models to analyze the hydrological conditions of the wetlands, contoured the land according to the type of habitat, and formulated active planting and planting plans. In order to establish a self-sufficient wetland and create different types of habitats for local flora and fauna, the wetland adopts nested nesting structure.
In the planning process, in order to meet the leisure needs of local residents, the participation of citizens is regarded as a key indicator of the acceptance and ultimate success of the program. The Crosswinds Marsh Conservation Area has developed into a rich, vibrant wetland system and will continue to have a positive impact on the natural world and the communities from which life and learning resources are derived.


Crosswinds Marsh helps strengthen ecological restoration by recreating ecosystems for hundreds of native flora and fauna species and serves as an invaluable educational and community resource with expansive permitted opportunities to explore the natural environment.



Lat: 42.0963
Lng: 83.4408
Region: NorthAmerica
Scale: District
Field: Landscape
City: Detroit