Hunter's Point South Waterfront Park Phase II: A New Urban Ecology
Zhao Zichen   Apr 06.2020
 SWA/BALSLEY and WEISS/MANFREDI with ARUP has designed a remarkable, multi-faceted waterfront park in Long Island City within a focus on A New Urban Ecology mode.


“This remarkable, multi-faceted waterfront park in Long Island City, New York, has transformed a contaminated brownfield site into a model of sustainable design that incorporates diverse recreational and cultural uses and which grew from a collaborative process involving many disciplines and significant public input. Through an aspirational and innovative blending of landscape architecture and infrastructure, and by employing a host of sophisticated resiliency strategies, the designers have proven that the highest standards of design excellence and the strongest environmental practices are fully compatible. Hunter’s Point South Waterfront Park Phase II shows that public spaces built by public agencies can at once look good, serve public needs, and be successfully resilient.”
– 2019 Awards Jury

Reason to Be Selected

Hunter's Point South Waterfront helps transform a contaminated brownfield site in Long Island City into a model of sustainable design, by blending of landscape, architecture and infrastructure Landscape, architecture and infrastructure are perfectly integrated in an innovative way. The project won 2019 ASLA General Design Award of Honor.


Sustainability strategies

environmental practices


The post-industrial site where the project is located was a large area of wetlands and swamps two hundred years ago. As a result of decades of operation as the terminal of the Long Island Railway and the excavation and filling of the tunnels in the Eastern District, its rich ecological resources and finally become a distribution Brown areas with irregular waterways, cliffs and dilapidated docks.
There are two stages in the project construction, the first stage started in 2008 and was completed in 2012. The second phase that followed was the project. The core of the first phase is to establish a shared paradise suitable for users of all ages, with diverse interests and cultural backgrounds.
The second-stage design plan adopts a new adaptive waterfront site model, which protects the site from flooding through a "soft" intervention method, and incorporates wide sidewalks, ecological wetlands, and unique entrance "foyer", Customized outdoor furniture elements and planting belts containing a variety of local salt-tolerant plants are precisely woven into the site.


The second phase of Hunter ’s Point Nanbin Park, through the collaboration of multi-disciplinary teams and public participation, aims to establish a new type of project and become a model case that integrates social, cultural and ecological adaptability in a global context. The park combines landscape, architecture and infrastructure in an innovative way, transforming a site that was originally contaminated along the railway into a vibrant riverfront park that can undertake rich community activities.



Lat: 40.7466
Lng: 73.858
Region: NorthAmerica
Scale: City
Field: Landscape
City: New York