Suzhou Zhenshan Park Design
Turenscape   Jan 23.2019


Suzhou Zhenshan Park is located in Tong'an Town of High-tech Zone, 10 kilometers from the center of Suzhou City, with convenient external transportation and a design scale of 43 hectares. The design respects the natural situation of the site, and under the guidance of the two strategies of "sponge park" and "productive low maintenance landscape", transforms a landfill site into a "visible hill, visible water, remember nostalgia" urban park, making an important contribution to the construction of a water-elastic city.
Suzhou Zhenshan Park Design

Reason to Be Selected

The introduction of commercial, catering, recreational and other functionsin lotus pond and Metasequoia island will create a rich waterfront leisureexperience, attract the surrounding citizens and activate the entire park; Creatingmagnificent agricultural production landscape such as paddy field andsunflower, to create hydrophilic experience by making use of dramatic weirs andso on, and to carry out agricultural science popularization education; Creating quiet mountain life, to harvest fruitsand vegetables, green restaurants and boutique residential management toachieve garden.


Continuation of site memory and retention ofnostalgian 

Giving full play to land functions and serving thesurrounding neighborhoodsn 

Collection of wetlands to purify surrounding watersn 

Productive-low maintenance landscape


Continuation of site memory and retention ofnostalgia: Two real mountains and a large number of wastelandare distributed in the site. The quarries produced by excavating rocks haveformed large areas of water through rainwater runoff. In recent years, thequarries have been gradually landfilled by domestic refuse, resulting inserious site pollution. At the same time, a large number of residential housinghas been built around the site. Residents have a very urgent need for the useof public green space. The goal of the design is to build an elastic park that willcontinue the memory of the site, give full play to the functions of the landand serve the surrounding people.
Collection of wetlands to purify surroundingwaters: The core of the park is a strip-shaped, waterpurification function of the constructed wetland system, it will absorbrainwater from the site and surrounding areas, through sedimentation and up to1 km of wetland purification, into the end of the water quality stability zone.The purified rainwater can be used for park greening irrigation and roadwashing.

Productive-low maintenance landscape:Maintain the present texture and style of thefield, let the citizens experience the pastoral scenery in the exquisitewalkway, make it a productive, participatory, ornamental, popular science,economic and other multi-functional landscape, and continue the memory of landproduction.


Through the above landscape design strategy, the original broken mountainsand deteriorating garbage dumps will be transformed into a productive, low-costmaintenance of water-elastic urban park to maximize the use of existingresources to meet the leisure and recreational needs of the public. Theconstruction of Zhenshan Park not only improves the quality of urbanenvironment, improves the appearance of the town, and upgrades the livingenvironment in an all-round way, but also actively responds to the policy ofsponge city construction, which can provide a demonstration for ecologicalcontrol and environmental improvement in Suzhou.




Lat: 31.3843
Lng: 120.48
Region: Asia
Scale: District
Field: Landscape
City: Suzhou