Beijing Cultural Innovation Park In China New Media Development Zone
iCity   Dec 30.2020


The project is located in the China New Media industrial Park at the southern end of the central axis of Beijing,about 16 km from Tian An Men.The park was first established in the 1990s as a traditional industrial Park.In 2005, it was approved as the base of the new media industry in China,and became a professional industrial agglomeration area dominated by new media industry.

Reason to Be Selected

The renewal of all industrial plots is accompanied by the dual renewal of industry and space. However, the content organization under the industrial orientation is often dynamic and unfixed, so the spatial form needs to continuously reflect the value of the potential content.


The goal of renovation and design of “Shouxing Innovation Workshop” is to build the communication spaces and venues which is adapted to potential domain functions by reorganizing the site and content, interface, and texture of building, that is, strive to provide display, exchange, investment and financing services, office and leisure supporting platforms and venues for technological and cultural innovation enterprises. Communication is a keyword composed by functional media, crowd behavior and space.


The design language of the whole facade is influenced by technical expressionism and Italian rationalism. The whole facade along the street is designed with metal steel aluminum texture and fluctuating steel aluminum glass and other components forming a strong dynamic and strong material personality.
The interior building of the enclosed site creates more warm and humane features with lower cost red brick veneer, which is contrasted and reconciled with metal.
Original factory is a closed pattern, with streamline lines developed by coal storage, coal combustion, and heat transfer processes. We have classified and cut the site according to its future functions. Highly transactional and communicating streamlines is set along the open periphery. Relatively static treamlines of cultural activities, landscape space, catering facilities, etc., are set along the garth.Interfaces and streamlines are rebuilt and integrated,which inspire the vitality of site and achieve the transformation from individual to place.


One is a stacked layer around the top of the West 1 trade show building, dominated by bulky buildings. The core point of contact in the middle and horizontal direction is an enlarged hall and atrium.The other one is the relationship between the collage and bottom of the inner courtyard. These two paths produce a lot of intersections between space and site, and present the characteristics of communication at many points and surfaces, thus completing another transformation from isolated individuals to places.


Lat: 39.46
Lng: 115.72
Region: Asia
Scale: Building
Field: Residence
City: Beijing