Floating City concept by AT Design Office features underwater roads and submarines
Robinson   Oct 28.2019
Cities that float on water could offer an alternative to destroying the earth's valuable countryside according to architecture studio AT Design Office, who has developed a concept for an ocean metropolis


Entitled Floating City, the team's proposal involves a series of prefabricated hexagonal modules that tesselate to create all the infrastructure needed for a city on water – from a transport network of yachts and submarines, to a floating hotel and entertainment complex.

Reason to Be Selected

The project offered an opportunity to develop a new urban nucleus of world-class residential, commercial and cultural facilities, as well as to promote a zero-carbon, energy-efficient and self-sufficient city.


New urban nucleus of world-class residential

commercial and cultural facilities  Zero-carbon

energy-efficient and self-sufficient city


The basic construction unit is a prefabricated block – 150 metres length and and 30 metres in section. On plan,the grid can be an equilateral triangle and a pentagon. The prefabricated parts can be overlapped vertically. During construction, the modular parts are floated to the site after pre-fabrication in the factory.The floating city has a perfect internal and external traffic system, linking it within but also with the outside world. A cruise dock serves giant ships, a yacht dock serves private vessels and civilian submarine traffic. Submarines and electric vehicles are the main means of transport on the island – keeping the island free from air pollution and congestion caused by automobiles. The main traffic flows are facilitated via the water canals above and below the water surface. The peri-urban area house farm, hatchery and garbage recycling centre.
There are two public green belts ‐ one on the water surface and one under water. The upper one can provide public space usable for sports and recreation in a fresh air environment. The underwater green can be used for recreational tours.Vertical gardens are interconnected with the public greenery system above and below the water. A chimney in the centre of the vertical garden provides natural ventilation and lighting to the underwater city. Meanwhile the vertical garden is also a public traffic hub, which provides a traffic platform for submarines and inter-block passages.
The harbour centre is used for parking submarines and also has a vibrant floating entertainment area at its centre.The amusement city has a hotel at its bottom and an open stage on its top. The large commercial and entertainment centre is located under the stage. The entertainment city can be connected underwater with adjacent buildings through an Archimedes buoyancy bridge, enabling people to reach the entertainment city conveniently. Tourists can experience the fabulous underwater world whilst passing through the underwater hotel and coming up to the harbour city.


The Floating City will provide world class facilities, as well as additional supplies of new areas to satisfy the long-term demand for human habitable land. Noise, waste and other environmental impacts will be managed via innovative strategies. Our proposed development and the associated infrastructure will bring positive change to the community and its economy. The design will meet long‐term infrastructure and sustainable development needs but also bringing new opportunities to education, recreation, employment and business activities. Such opportunities will create a vibrant, diverse and sustainable social and economic platform.




Lat: 22
Lng: 114
Region: Asia
Scale: Region
Field: Innovation
City: Hong Kong