Mata de Sesimbra, Portugal
Wang Yueqi   May 04.2016


Pelicano is developing a €1.1 billion project to build 5,000 zero-carbon, zero-waste homes, hotels and shops. The scheme also includes Europe's largest-ever nature restoration scheme, where work is uinderway to return almost 5,000 hectares of surrounding land, currently occupied by degraded logging plantations and quarries, to native Mediterranean woodland.

Reason to Be Selected

The plan includes concentrating the development area into one unit, for approximately 20,000 people, or 5,000 units. The management team will use the receipts from the development as a form of a 'green tax' to fund conservation measures throughout the area. This includes one of the biggest privately-financed forest restoration projects in Europe; creating closed-off protected areas for vulnerable nesting bird, recovering wetland and other important riverine and coastal habitats. Sales of properties will also help to fund work to recover endangered species throughout Portugal, including Bonelli's Eagle and the
highly threatened Iberian Lynx.


The plan also proposes to be innovative and ecological in its development by using sustainable building materials and solar power and being energy and water efficient. The development has a 20 year target of having 'zero waste' – but reaching a massive 50% of landfill diversion in the first year. A €90 million sustainable public transport network is also planned, and will eventually include providing hybrid  eco-shuttles, free bicycles and car clubs. The project is expected to create 11,000 new jobs.


Lat: 41.1621
Lng: -8.62185
Region: Europe
Scale: District
Field: Environment
City: Porto