Building and reconstruction of factories which process ash/slag wastes from coal-burning thermoelectric power stations for producing cenospheres (microspheres)
Shi Jiaqi   Apr 29.2016


Year: 2000

City / Town / Village: Chelyabinsk

Region: Europe & Former Soviet Union States

Country:Russian Federation


Our practice has attained the objectives aimed in the best way. Ceno-sphere-producing factories are organized in 4 cities of the Ural region. Thermo-electric power stations' wastes are being diminished. The demand for cenospheres is 10 times larger than our productivity. Cenosphere consumers demand to increase the cenosphere production 10-12 times as compared with the to-day yield. At present, we are developing a production of metallurgical raw from ash/slag wastes, which will allow to raise the level of processing ash/slag wastes up to 80%.

Reason to Be Selected

The vicinity of working thermoelectric power stations in Chelyabinsk, Ekaterinburg,Perm districts experienced a genuine ecological catastrophe. The Governments of these districts raised an objective to utilize the dumps. We invented processes of treating them and embodied them in our factories. A major part of the produce received by means of our practice is used for improving the ecological condition in these districts and the rest is exported. The developments enabling this were possessed by our partner Trelleborg Fillite Ltd., Runcorn, England, and our co-operation enriched us with new processes. We have been co-operating 6 years and have contracted an agreement for further 15 years.


Our practice provided employment for a part of unemployed population of five cities: Chelyabinsk, Ekaterinburg, Troitsk, Asbest, Malyshevo. These cities were faced to very serious problems; now all the wastes of thermo electric power stations are being processed.


There were financial problems during the embodiment of practice project,and they remain partially now. For an increase in the production of cenospheres, an additional financing is needed. For the embodiment of the practice, private share-holders were drawn in, each invested his private capital.
Our actions are agreed with the Governments of Chelyabinsk and Ekaterinburg districts. During the embodiment of the practice project, we found a vast support from the Chelyabinsk district's Governor P. Sumin and the Ekaterinburg district's Governor E. Rossel. They rendered a big political support, because our practice significantly solved a social problem of decreasing the unemployment in the Ural region.
Urallite's reserves available were all mobilized. The leading role in the practice was taken by the Urallite's General Director Ivan Prokopiev. He also embodied the practice, for he is a Honored Inventor of Russia, Doctor of technical sciences, Academician of the International Academy of Inventions.
While implementing the initiative, some financial problems took place. They are partially overcome, but some important problems remained. For increasing the production of cenospheres, a further one million USD is needed.

Results achieved

The objectives of the practice were achieved. They are characterized by both quantity and quality. The main result achieved is that now it is possible to produce up to 10000 tonnes of cenospheres of a good quality.

Also achieved are better coordination and integration. We supply steadily our produce to both domestic and foreign markets. We plan to make supplies to Dubai in 2000.

The initiative strongly influenced social and ecological conditions of the Ural region. The population received well-paid permanent jobs, their life standard improved, up to 10000 men can work in the production of cenospheres, in the production of technical devices for the processes being used, and in the transportation. The receipt of money from foreign companies has increased. A united processing line exists from the Ural to England.

The initiative embraced many regions. Now we introduce our practice to the Omsk and Tyumen districts. They all are Ural regions in which heavy industries are highly developed and, consequently, the main problems are ecology and sociology.

Therefore, all the free financial means received from sales of the produce of the practice are used for a further development of the production. 3-4 further shops are to be put into operation for processing ash/slag dumps to obtain cenospheres and raws for producing metal therefrom for the ash/slag dumps contain 25-30% of metal. No loans were made heretofore, but will be. The production of the practice enables paying of floans every month.


Lat: 55.1522
Lng: 61.4086
Region: Europe
Scale: City
Field: Environment
City: Chelyabinsk